Wednesday 15 May 2013

Sad to Say Farewell

Thank you everyone for coming to the Creative Challenge Club.  I am so glad to hear that you all had a wonderful experience in the club.  I enjoyed working with every single one of you.  You all have so many unique and special qualities that made the club truly enjoyable.  I hope you will remember to always think and be creative in your future endeavors.  Enjoy the rest of your school year and don't forget to pop in and say hello  :)

Thank you for sharing your interests and talents with us!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Week 5 (May 16)

Date:  Monday, May 16

Theme:  Sharing Class

Bring to class: 
Please be prepared to spend a couple minutes showing the group your special talents, hobbies, or interests. 

Optional:  You may also bring a snack to share with the group.

Second Debate Photos

Great Job Everyone! (Please post a reflection)

Challenging Board Games Photos

Please post a reflection for the games class.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Week 4 (May 6 and 7)

Date:  Monday, May 6
Theme:  Games That Make you Think

At the request of many of the students, I have agreed to do one more debate (Your classroom teachers have been invited to attend)

Date:  Tuesday, May 7
Theme:  Debate
Bring to Class:  Please research and bring notes to support your position (affirmative/negative).  Remember to think about the cross-examination questions and answers.

Experiments on human cloning should be allowed
Affirmative (Jaskarn, Channee, Sairah)
Experiments on human cloning should not be allowed
Negative (Eli, David, Hannah)

Video games are educational so children should be allowed to play them.
Affirmative (Isabelle, Harleen, Nikita)
Video games are not educational so children should not be allowed to play them.
Negative (Aidan, Puneet, Mikayla)

Visual Arts Photos

Painting birch trees in acrylic.  Please post a reflection.